So, I decided to write a pattern. Calm down, it's just for socks. The thing that lead me to writing the pattern was Rav, I could not for the life of me find a pattern for knee high socks that would accommodate my muscular calves. I like my knee socks fitted so they don't slip and literally nothing was to be found on Rav. I did find this guideline which has been super helpful. But math! I'm not great at math but I'm not terrible at it either.
So here I sit. Writing this pattern as I go, I've started decreases, my laptop now serves as a table on the sofa of doom to hold my notebook, pencil, eraser, and phone (it has a row counting app).
The good news is that after the first one is done the second one will be easy. Right?
Yes it will. The next pattern you write will be easier too. This is the exact reason (couldn't find the pattern... not muscular calves) I'm in the middle of writing up a new pattern too. Can't wait to see them finished!